Envision Project Photos
Biomass boiler

The biomass boiler represents 38 percent of Gundersen's energy independence goal-by far the largest single project in their Envision® portfolio that helped them achieve their goal.
Cashton wind energy project

Gundersen Health System and Organic Valley are collaborating on a two-turbine wind farm that is expected to generate nearly 5 megawatts of energy - enough electricity to power 1,000 homes each year.
Lewiston wind energy project

Two wind turbines on the Lewiston, Minn., wind farm will generate 4.95 megawatts of energy. The electricity will be fed into the energy grid and used by homes and businesses.
Landfill energy project

Gundersen Health System and La Crosse County teamed up on a project that is turning methane gas from a landfill into electricity and heat on the Gundersen Onalaska Campus.
Middleton dairy digester

A unique partnership is turning cow waste from farms into renewable energy. Gundersen Health System and Dane County in Wisconsin are partnering with three farm families in Dane County on the GL Dairy Biogas Project. The project offsets about 14 percent of Gundersen's energy needs.
Sun Prairie dairy digester

The Sunny Side Digester near Sun Prairie, Wis., generates about 5 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually, enough to power about 530 homes a year. The electricity is added to the local grid in Dane County through Alliant Energy.
Solar thermal water heating

Solar panels installed on the Gundersen Onalaska Renal Dialysis Center are part of a solar thermal water heating system.
Geothermal heat pump

A geothermal heat pump uses the earth as either a heat or cooling source. The system takes advantage of the moderate temperatures underground to greatly improve efficiencies of HVAC (heating and cooling) equipment.
Envision Videos
- AJAM: Wisconsin hospital uses alternative energy December 23, 2014
- MSNBC: Wisconsin hospital achieves energy independence November 12, 2014
- Gundersen Energy Independence news conference November 10, 2014
- Gundersen reaches first days of energy independence November 6, 2014
- Gundersen's dairy biogas renewable energy project November 3, 2014
- Tips for being green May 29, 2014
- Cashton wind farm February 26, 2014
- Lewiston wind farm February 25, 2014
- New Legacy in sustainability January 11, 2014
- Landfill gas to energy project December 6, 2013
- Biomass combined heat and power October 15, 2013
- Ways to go green at work and home August 22, 2013
- Reducing food waste July 23, 2013
- Gundersen powers up biomass boiler May 3, 2013
- Energy efficiency and green principles January 3, 2013
Contact Us
Gundersen Envision®
1900 South Avenue
La Crosse, WI 54601
(608) 775-0880
(855) 669-1653 (toll-free)
[email protected]